Information on this year's TRA Science Fair has been shared with all students in grades 4-8! Interested students can ask their Science Teacher for a permission form. Completed permission forms with payment (for board and T-shirt) must be turned in by February 20. We are looking forward to another amazing event showcasing all of the innovative and creative thinkers at the TRA!
4 days ago, Whitney Point CSD
T R A  Grades four through eight Science Fair March 20 and 21, 2025.
Ready for some deliciousness?! Krispy Kreme donuts are available for purchase from now until February 28! 🍩 If you're interested, please reach out to any Whitney Point band or chorus student to buy your donuts. 🎺 All proceeds will support our competition trips later this year. High school students will be traveling to Virginia Beach to perform at Busch Gardens, while the TRA students will head to Hershey Park in June! Check out the attached form for more details on delivery and payment options. Thank you for your support!
4 days ago, Whitney Point CSD
Krispy Kreme Fundraising for Whitney Point Music Boosters. Orders taken February 13 - 27, 2025. Delivery on March 5, 2025.
Did you Know? Every two minutes a child is diagnosed with cancer worldwide, and that one in 285 children in the U.S. under the age of 20 will be diagnosed with cancer this year. TRA and CEA are participating in "Be the Change for Hope" Changing Lives Challenge to benefit Griffin's Guardians from February 3 - 28, 2025. Bring in your loose change to donate using the designated containers. Griffins Guardians is a local nonprofit that helps families in our area that are battling pediatric cancer. For more information, visit
17 days ago, Whitney Point CSD
Be the Change for Hope, Changing Lives Griffins Guardians Challenge from February 3 to 28, 2025.
The Mother-Son Game Night is 6 - 8 p.m. on Friday, January 31, at the Tioughnioga Riverside Academy for students in grades Pre 4 through fifth grade. This event features laser tag and an obstacle course! Food and drink donations for this event are appreciated! Please drop off at TRA by 4 p.m. Friday.
18 days ago, Whitney Point CSD
2025 PTA The Mother-Son Event game night featuring laser tag and obstacle course on January 31 from six to eight p.m.
Fourth and Fifth Graders rule the school during Kids Night Out! TRA fourth- and fifth-grade students had an amazing time at this year's "Kids Night Out" event on January 17. This year's theme was Silent Disco. In addition to a variety of activities and other fun, students enjoyed a pizza dinner.
19 days ago, Whitney Point CSD
Three Tioughnioga Riverside Academy students wear disco-themed glasses during Kids Night Out.
Whitney Point students make bracelets.
Three Whitney Point T R A  students eat pizza and snacks during Kids Night Out.
Two friends enjoy pizza in the cafeteria during Kids Night Out at Tioughnioga Riverside Academy on January 17, 2025.
Two Whitney Point students engage in fun crafts and enjoy food during the Kids Night Out event.
Whitney Point students dance in the gym, disco-style.
More students wearing funky eyewear.
Students play frisbee game in the gym.
Two friends with crafts and snacks enjoy Kids Night Out on January 17, 2025.
Some buddies enjoy a pizza dinner during Kids Night Out at Tioughnioga Riverside Academy.
Whitney Point Students Dive into Hands-On Science Exploration Fourth and fifth graders at the Tioughnioga Riverside Academy (TRA) have been busy observing, inquiring, and investigating during Science class! In fourth grade, students have been exploring the "Soil, Rocks & Landforms" unit, where they examined different types of soil, investigated how landforms change over time, and learned about the forces that shape our planet. Meanwhile, fifth graders have been engaged in the "Earth & Sun" unit, discovering the relationship between Earth's rotation, seasonal changes, and how the Sun influences life on our planet. These hands-on lessons foster curiosity and critical thinking, helping students develop a deeper understanding of the natural world. Looking ahead, fourth graders will transition to the "Environments" unit in life science, while fifth graders will explore "Mixtures & Solutions," diving into chemistry-based experiments.
19 days ago, Whitney Point CSD
Fourth and Fifth Graders enjoy a unit on soil, rocks and landforms in the STEAM room at Tioughnioga Riverside Academy.
October 2023 Newsletter
over 1 year ago, Whitney Point CSD
FEMA has scheduled a nationwide test of emergency alert systems for ~2:20 pm today, Wednesday, Oct 4th. Nationwide Emergency Alert System (EAS) and Wireless Emergency Alert (WEA) test scheduled for October 4, 2023 1. On October 4, 2023, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), in coordination with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), will conduct a nationwide Emergency Alert System (EAS) and Wireless Emergency Alert (WEA) test. 2. The test includes sending a "test message" to all televisions, radios and cell phones. 3. At approximately 2:20 pm Eastern Standard Time, all powered on cellphones within range of a cell tower will receive a test alert message as part of FEMA’s nationwide test of its Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS). 4. The test will occur during school hours, and in some cases coincide with school dismissal time.
over 1 year ago, Whitney Point CSD
Come on out on Thursday, Oct. 5th to support the Lady Eagles!
over 1 year ago, Whitney Point CSD
girls field hockey night
Are you a young person struggling with mental health or know someone who is? Do you want your voice to be heard and to make a difference? See the flyer below on how to join an upcoming Youth Mental Health Listening Session.
over 1 year ago, Whitney Point CSD
mental health
Girls Who Code is currently recruiting high school and middle school female participants for the upcoming Fall 2023 program at Binghamton University. This Fall, they will be offering three in-person classes: Beginner Python for Middle and High Schoolers, Beginner Web Development for Middle and High Schoolers, and Intro to Robotics for Returning Middle and High Schoolers. The deadline for registration is August 14th.
over 1 year ago, Whitney Point CSD
Girls Sub-Regionals Class D Lacrosse NYSPHAA Championship Tournament at Owego Free Academy Stadium Thurs., June 1st, 7:00 pm Tickets $10.45 Purchase on Go Fan
over 1 year ago, Whitney Point CSD
girls lax
WPCSD's Summer Enrichment CAMPS (6th-8th) Program. See flyers for information. Students should not sign up for the same camp multiple times.
over 1 year ago, Whitney Point CSD
camps more info
CEA Parents: Is your student missing an item? Check out this photo of things placed in the Lost & Found. Here is the contact information to claim an item: CEA Nurse– Jessica Burke,RN or Morgan Smith,LPN – phone is 607-692-8238. and Any items left on the last day of school will be donated when possible or disposed of. To view more items please go to the district Facebook page.
over 1 year ago, Whitney Point CSD
Mark Your Calendars! Spring break is coming up shortly. April 7-14.
almost 2 years ago, Whitney Point CSD
spring recess
Mark your calendars! Spring Recess is coming up shortly. April 7-14.
almost 2 years ago, Whitney Point CSD
spring break
IT'S BACK: The TRA Science Fair returns this year on March 23, from 6:30-7:30 pm and March 24, from 7:50-11:00 am!
almost 2 years ago, Whitney Point Central School District
Science Fair
ANNOUNCEMENT: The Whitney Point Central School District would like to announce that Amanda Burns has been approved by the Board of Education to be the new Assistant Principal of the Tioughnioga Riverside Academy! Let's get to know Mrs. Burns: - She has worked for WPCSD for the last 11 years - She has held a couple positions with the district including Special Education Teacher and Global Education Teacher. - In school, her favorite subject was social studies, particularly learning about stories of people that were able to overcome conflicts. - Mrs. Burns says her favorite food is cheese pizza with black olives and loves both Dominic's and Aiello's! - Outside of school, Mrs. Burns likes to read and swim! She says she feels lucky because she has two kids that share her love for those activities as well! - Mrs. Burns says she is looking forward to getting into classrooms and seeing what great things are happening. She hopes to find new ways to promote positive social interactions between students, and doing what she can to further promote tolerance and sense of belonging at TRA!
about 2 years ago, Whitney Point Central School District
Amanda Burns
Learn About the Rising Danger of Fentanyl in our Community There will be a community forum hosted by Maine-Endwell Central School District, Broome County, and the Broome-Tioga School Boards Association. This workshop is free and will also be held virtually through ZOOM.
about 2 years ago, Whitney Point Central School District
community forum on Fentanyl
Check here for the latest TRA news!
over 2 years ago, Whitney Point CSD