Board of Education Policies

SECTION (click section to view policies)


By-Laws (1110 - 1570)

Organization of the Board, nomination and election of Board members, role of the Board, Board policies, meeting information

Internal Operations (2110 - 2320)

Orienting new Board members, use of parlimentary procedures, Board committees and activities

Community Relations (3100 - 3600)

School-sponsored media, Flag Day, participation by the public, district records, public order on school property, emergency situations

Administration (4110 - 4410)

Administrative personnel, administrative positions, central office and building administration, compensation and related benefits

Non-Instructional/Business Operations (5110-5770)

Budget planning and information, income, expenditures, purchasing, fiscal accounting and reporting, non-instructional operations and transportation

Personnel (6110-6551)

Employee Code of Ethics, health examinations, certified personnel, support staff, activities, compensation and related benefits

Students (7110 - 7673)

Attendance, student progress, student conduct, student activities, student welfare and students with handicapping conditions

Instruction (8110 - 8470)

General curriculum, elementary and secondary instruction, instructional materials and instructional arrangements

Workplace Violence Prevention (6190)

Workplace Violence Prevention

Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment (6170-7370)

The District prohibits all forms of harassment and bullying of students by employees or other students on school property and at school functions.

DASA Bullying Harassment Prevention Intervention

Bullying and Harassment Prevention

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

This policy addresses sexual harassment in the workplace.